Hey Friends!
So as we discussed last time, Mastic Gum is my number one recommendation for combating H.Pylori – the bacteria that makes your stomach (and you) feel miserable.
Today we’re going to discuss what to do if Mastic Gum by itself just isn’t enough – or if you have a particularly bad case of H.Pylori that you want to hit more aggressively.
Here are a few more of my supplement recommendations for H.Pylori. You can either add them from the very beginning of H.Pylori treatment or you can add them in after treating with just Mastic Gum for one week. You do not need to use all of them. Try 1-3 of these and see how they work for you.
You can use these supplements in addition to the Mastic Gum for the full 3 weeks of treatment or until the H.Pylori is gone.
S. Boulardi – this is a highly effective probiotic (take 2 capsules 2x per day. You can also go up to 2 capsules 3x per day for more severe cases). This is also a wonderful probiotic to continue taking once you’re feeling better, to protect your gut health (switch to just once per day once your H.Pylori treatment is finshed).
Berberine – 2 capsules 3x per day
Oil of Oregano – 2 capsules 3x per day
DGL Plus – 1 capsule 3x per day
Aloe Capsules or you can drink a high quality aloe liquid such as George’s Aloe
Let me know how this protocol works for you!
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Contact me to discuss 1:1 health coaching or learn more here.
Please note that while I am a Holistic Health Coach, I am not a medical doctor. Your health is your own responsibility and I recommend checking with your medical doctor before supplementing if you have an existing health condition and/or are already taking prescription medications.
*Some of the links above are affiliate links, which means that if you choose to make a purchase, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Please know that I only recommend products that I personally use and love.